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Indecent Exposure

You may have heard someone claim they ended up on the sex registry because they got caught peeing in public – be it during a long road trip or after a wild night on the town. But, does this actually happen?  Penal Code section 314 criminalizes “indecent exposure.” Indecent exposure is typically charged as a […]

What is Plea Bargaining and Is it a Good Option for Me?

Plea Bargains in California If you have been charged with a crime in California, you may be presented with a plea bargain at some point during your case. A plea bargain may be the result of negotiations between two parties or might be due to weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. Either way, a plea bargain […]

Which Crime Is California Toughest On?

Data Shows State Heavily Prosecutes Violent Offenses In an effort to reduce recent upticks in criminal activity, California has taken a tougher stance on certain crimes. Violent crimes, for instance, are heavily prosecuted in the state. With more pressure on the state and law enforcement agencies to crack down on crime, it is likely that […]

Lo que el fiscal del distrito no quiere que usted sepa sobre un DUI

El fiscal y la policía, le van a hacer creer que un DUI (manejar bajo la influencia) es un delito grave.  Ellos quieren que usted crea que lo mejor que usted puede hacer es creer en el sistema. Dejar sus derechos garantizados por la constitución y declararse culpable. Eso no es cierto.  La verdad es […]

What you need to know about your right to remain silent

If you’re under investigation or suspect that the police will come knocking soon, now is the time to start thinking about your criminal defense. This is because far too many people end up talking themselves into trouble when they interact with the police well before any formal criminal charges are levied against them. With that […]

Agresión sexual-PC 243.4

La sección 243.4 del Código Penal de California describe la “agresión sexual” como tocar las partes íntimas de otra persona, en contra de la voluntad de la persona, con el propósito de gratificación sexual, excitación sexual o abuso sexual. La agresión sexual se puede acusar como un delito mayor o menor y, lo que es […]

Sexual battery-PC 243.4

Image showing arrest and penalties for committing a lewd or lascivious act under Penal Code Section 288

California Penal Code section 243.4 describes “sexual battery” as touching the intimate parts of another person, against the person’s will, for the purposes of sexual gratification, sexual arousal, or sexual abuse. Sexual battery may be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor, and, importantly, may subject you to significant sex offender registration requirements. As a […]