Martin Jones To Be Featured in Super Lawyer’s August Edition

In the dynamic world of law, recognition is not merely a matter of personal achievement; it’s a testament to one’s dedication, expertise, and impact within the legal community.
Justice Prevails: Celebrating the Auburn K9 Animal Cruelty Case Victory for Chastaine Jones

In a critical recent decision, charges against Chastaine Jones’s client, Sean Lee Murray, were dropped on Monday. This victory marks a significant turn of events in the pursuit of justice for these innocent defendants. Details of the Case The case, which has garnered widespread media attention, involved Moore and Murray facing a staggering 15 felony […]
Potential Changes in the Law Regarding Gun Ownership

On November 7, 2023, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of United States v. Rahimi. In this matter they are considering whether the government can deny access to guns for people who are the subject of a domestic violence protection order. As everyone knows, the Second Amendment to the United […]
What You Need to Know About Owning and Possessing Firearms in California

There has been a lot of news lately regarding the ownership and possession of firearms in the United States. The US Supreme Court has been addressing the issues of when you can and cannot carry firearms and what kind of guns you may legally own. Despite what many people believe, you have a constitutional right […]
Arraignments Within 48 Hours No Exceptions – New AB61 Passes out of Committee

In California, if a person is arrested on Friday night, or a weekend, they can be held for more than the required 48 hours before they are brought to court. A new law would change this. Arraignment is a legal proceeding in which a defendant appears before a judge to hear the charges against them […]
Live Update on How the Courts are Handling the COVID Crisis

A timely update on how the courts are handling the covid19 crisis. Mike and E discuss what crimes are down and which ones are on an increase. Specifically, domestic violence. With over 35 years of practicing criminal defense, Mike has some important insights into these types of charges. For more information visit us at