Understanding California’s Sex Offender Registration Requirements: What You Need to Know About Penal Code Section 290 and Megan’s Law
The decision to hire a lawyer is a very important decision. Don’t make it without knowing the facts.
California Penal Code § 490.5– Civil Demand Letters in Shoplifting Cases
The decision to hire a lawyer is a very important decision. Don’t make it without knowing the facts.
Defensa Contra Cargos de Actos Lascivos: Entendiendo el Código Penal de California 288
The decision to hire a lawyer is a very important decision. Don’t make it without knowing the facts.
Defense Against Lewd or Lascivious Acts Charges: Understanding California Penal Code 288
The decision to hire a lawyer is a very important decision. Don’t make it without knowing the facts.
Tres Cualidades que Debe Tener un Abogado
a decisión de contratar a un abogado es muy importante. Hay muchos abogados inteligentes y competentes, pero eso no significa que todos sean adecuados para usted.
Three Qualities to Look for in a Lawyer
The decision to hire a lawyer is a very important decision. Don’t make it without knowing the facts.
Nuevas leyes penales en California para 2024
California tiene una serie de nuevas leyes penales para 2024. En Chastaine Jones estamos atentos para mantenernos informados sobre los nuevos desarrollos legales que impactarán a nuestros clientes.
New California Criminal Laws for 2024
California has a number of new criminal laws for 2024. At Chastaine Jones we are vigilant about staying informed about new legal developments that will impact our clients.
Martin Jones To Be Featured in Super Lawyer’s August Edition
In the dynamic world of law, recognition is not merely a matter of personal achievement; it’s a testament to one’s dedication, expertise, and impact within the legal community.
Justice Prevails: Celebrating the Auburn K9 Animal Cruelty Case Victory for Chastaine Jones
In a critical recent decision, charges against Chastaine Jones’s client, Sean Lee Murray, were dropped on Monday. This victory marks a significant turn of events in the pursuit of justice for these innocent defendants. Details of the Case The case, which has garnered widespread media attention, involved Moore and Murray facing a staggering 15 felony […]