Since pot is legal now, can I fly with it?
California has legalized marijuana, the current administration has pardoned many simple marijuana possessions, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration legalized CBD products with less than 0.3% THC. Although it looks like weed is legal at all levels for a Golden State resident, does that mean you can travel with it? Can I bring weed […]
Porno infantil
Los delitos de pornografía infantil pueden ser imputados en un tribunal estatal o federal. Las sanciones federales son mucho más severas y pueden tener penas mínimas de prisión. Qué jurisdicción procesa el caso depende de una variedad de factores que incluyen la edad de las víctimas, la cantidad de imágenes y whei. Según la ley […]
Kiddy Porn
Child pornography offenses can be charged in either state or federal court. Federal penalties are much more sever and can have minimum prison terms. Which jurisdiction prosecutes the case depends on a variety of factors including the age of the victims, the number of images and whei Under California law, a person who possesses images […]
Defending against drug charges in California
If you have been charged with drug possession or distribution, you are potentially looking at years in prison, thousands of dollars in fines and a permanent criminal record. As a result, you may have a difficult time finding employment or re-entering the community once your sentence has been served. If you are facing charges for […]
¿Asesinato u homicidio involuntario?
Según la ley de California, el delito de asesinato se define como: “Asesinato es el homicidio ilegítimo de un ser humano, o de un feto, con premeditación”. (Código Penal, § 187.) Para ser condenado por asesinato, un elemento necesario que la fiscalía debe probar es que el acusado actuó con intención maliciosa. La malicia puede […]
Murder or Involuntary Manslaughter?
Under California law, the crime of murder is defined as: “Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.” (Pen. Code, § 187.) In order to be convicted of murder, a necessary element the prosecution must prove is that the defendant acted with malicious intent. Malice may either be […]
Ley de Registro de Menores en California
Generalmente, un menor que ha sido juzgado o admitido por un delito sexual no tiene que registrarse como delincuente sexual. Hay dos excepciones. La primera es si el menor fue trasladado a un tribunal de adultos y condenado por un delito calificado como adulto. La segunda es si el menor es adjudicado bajo la tutela […]
Why attacking witness credibility may be key to your case
The evidence being presented against you in your criminal case might be overwhelming. But regardless of what the prosecution is prepared to present against you, you might have strong criminal defense options that, if properly utilized, will better protect your interests. Among these are seemingly minor tactics, such as attacking witness credibility. Why you should be concerned […]
¿Qué pasa cuando vas a la Corte?
La mayoría de mis clientes nunca han estado en problemas antes. Aparte del deber de jurado, es posible que no hayan estado previamente en una sala de audiencias. En el mejor de los casos, ir a juicio, especialmente si te acusan de algo grave, es muy estresante. Puede haber mucha ansiedad e incertidumbre. Gran parte […]
What happens when you go to Court?
Most of my clients have never been in trouble before. Aside from jury duty, they may have not previously been in a courtroom. At best, going to court, especially if you are accused of something serious, is very stressful. There can be a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. Much of that anxiety is due to […]