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Which Crime Is California Toughest On?

Data Shows State Heavily Prosecutes Violent Offenses

In an effort to reduce recent upticks in criminal activity, California has taken a tougher stance on certain crimes. Violent crimes, for instance, are heavily prosecuted in the state. With more pressure on the state and law enforcement agencies to crack down on crime, it is likely that there will be more arrests over the coming years. 

At Chastaine Jones, we are experienced criminal defense lawyers. Our firm works tirelessly defending the rights of our clients. We know that anyone can be in the wrong place at the wrong time or end up falsely accused of a crime they didn’t commit. If you or someone you know was arrested in Gold River or the Sacramento area, contact our office to schedule a free consultation. 

What Types of Felonies Are People Most Often Arrested for in California?

According to the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), people charged with a felony were most commonly arrested for violent crimes. Violent crimes accounted for 37% of felony arrests in a single year.

The leading types of violent crime arrests in California:

Assaults made up 75% of all the felony arrests for violent crimes in the state. Robberies constituted another 14%, while rape, kidnapping, and homicide accounted for less than 3% of the felony arrests. 

What Is the Conviction Rate for Felony Arrests?

Just because you are arrested for a crime, does not mean that you will be convicted of the offense. A prosecutor must bring charges against you and allow you to have your day in court. Unfortunately, many people do not exercise their right to a trial or legal counsel. Hiring an attorney early in the process can help ensure that you receive the best possible outcome in your case.

California prosecutors have a fairly high conviction rate. According to data provided by the California Department of Justice, 62% of adult felony arrests made in 2021 resulted in a conviction. Additionally, while incarceration rates related to many crimes fell, the number of people incarcerated due to drug-related offenses increased. 

What to Do If You Have Been Arrested for a Crime

If you have been arrested for a felony offense, you need to contact an attorney immediately. You could be facing serious jail time. It is always advisable to retain legal counsel as early in the process as possible. In some cases, an attorney may advise you to take certain steps prior to going to trial such as attending AA meetings or taking anger management classes. 

In the event that you are arrested, always exercise your right to remain silent and ask for an attorney. What you say can and will be used against you. Far too many people feel the need to explain themselves and end up saying incriminating statements. Remaining silent can help prevent these common mistakes. 

Arrested in Sacramento County? Contact Our Office.

Were you or a loved one arrested in Sacramento County for a felony offense? Contact our office to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. Our lawyers can help you understand your legal options and fight the charges against you. Call now to get started.

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