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What is a Violent Crime in California?

Violent crimes or violent felonies are those crimes where the perpetrator or offender uses force or threat on a victim. A violent felony can be done even with or without the use of firearms or weapons for crimes related to violence include malicious hostility toward other people and behaviors like lack of self-control, anger, mental or psychological issues which may cause them to have aggressive tendencies, and disorderly conduct. Gangs that do drug trafficking and drug use are also included in violent crimes. A reliable criminal defense lawyer in Gold River is your best bet when charged with these crimes.

Violent Crime in California

According to Penal Code 667.5(c)  statute of the Criminal Law, a violent felony includes:

  • Murder or Voluntary Manslaughter – also known as homicide where someone is murdered or died due to the acts of the criminal such as shooting or vehicular accidents. It is divided into the categories:
    • First degree
    • Second degree
    • Manslaughter including those that may involve a motor vehicle
  • Attempted Murder – where the offender intents and made steps in killing someone but failed in successfully doing so.
  • Mayhem – where the offender commits an unlawful act of incapacitating or disfiguring the victims of crime.
  • Rape – is where sexual intercourse occurred without the consent of the other party including when the other person is unconscious, impaired, intoxicated, or in any other state where she cannot give her consent.
  • Sodomy – where sodomy is committed against crime victims below 14 years of age or with an age gap of 10 years or more.
  • Oral Copulation – where oral copulation is committed against a crime victim below 14 years of age through force, intimidation, or violence.
  • Lewd or Lascivious Acts – is where child molestation or lewd or lascivious act is done willfully against a person below 14 years of age and the goal of the offender is to satisfy his lust.
  • Felonies punishable by death or life imprisonment
  • Felonies such as charges of domestic violence where great bodily injury is inflicted.
  • Robbery – is the unlawful taking of another’s property by use of force or intimidation divided into two degrees:
    • First degree
    • Second degree
  • Burglary – is the unlawful entering of another’s property to commit offenses such as thefts, robberies, rapes, or murders.
  • Arson – is the intentional setting, aiding, or procuring of fire to burn any property including buildings and forests. If the crime resulted in great bodily harm, the penalty will be higher.
  • Kidnapping – is an offense where someone is forcibly taken and detained to another location against their will. Aggravating  kidnapping occurs if:
    • The victims are below 14 years old
    • The crime was done through a carjacking
    • There is a ransom
    • Sexual assault crimes occurred
  • Carjacking – is motor vehicle theft where another person’s vehicle is forcibly taken away.
  • Charges of Assault and battery
  • Sexual and child abuse
  • Extortion

Other crimes that have elements of use, attempted use, or threatening to use physical force against the property or person of another is considered as a violent crime.

In California, the criminal justice system is maintained by the Department of Justice through the  Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Victimization Survey and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Report where non-violent crime reports are made. The crime data reports of police departments, police officers, and detectives are also received by the NCVS

What are the Types of Crime in California?

There are many crimes committed in California, but they are divided into different groups:

  1.     Violent Crimes
  2.     Property Crimes
  3.     White-collar Crimes
  4.     Organized Crime
  5.     Victimless or Consensual Crimes

What is the Available Criminal Defense in California?

Charges of criminal violence require incarceration or imprisonment in state prison and can only be released through parole, discharge, or dismissal of the prosecution. Defending a charge for violent crimes is difficult because the punishment is heavier than misdemeanor offenses. Without the correct strategy, the judge may be sentencing a guilty verdict, making you have a permanent record that will affect your employment after. As such, having a defense attorney is beneficial. We at Chastaine Jones Criminal Defense Attorneys will help you to the best of our ability and provide you with our experienced criminal defense attorneys in Gold River.  Call us now for a free consultation.

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