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Sexual battery-PC 243.4

Image showing arrest and penalties for committing a lewd or lascivious act under Penal Code Section 288

California Penal Code section 243.4 describes “sexual battery” as touching the intimate parts of another person, against the person’s will, for the purposes of sexual gratification, sexual arousal, or sexual abuse. Sexual battery may be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor, and, importantly, may subject you to significant sex offender registration requirements. As a […]

Kiddy Porn

Child pornography offenses can be charged in either state or federal court.  Federal penalties are much more sever and can have minimum prison terms.   Which jurisdiction prosecutes the case depends on a variety of factors including the age of the victims, the number of images and whei Under California law, a person who possesses images […]

What happens when you go to Court?

A man sits at his computer with his phone in his hand

Most of my clients have never been in trouble before. Aside from jury duty, they may have not previously been in a courtroom. At best, going to court, especially if you are accused of something serious, is very stressful. There can be a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. Much of that anxiety is due to […]

Should I Call 911?

Handcuffs around a mans arms

Relationships are complicated. Romantic relationships can be particularly volatile. Partners can say and do regrettable things in the heat of arguments. Unfortunately, there are circumstances that necessitate involving law enforcement. There can, however, be moments of regret that follow involving law enforcement. Seeing your loved one being arrested following a fight and charged with a […]

How to Post Bail

Handcuffs around a mans arms

There has been a lot of recent confusion over the issue of bail in California. In the past several years there have been a number of movements to abolish the use of bail. In some ways the movement is short-sighted and fails to address the real issue – that the bail amounts are set too […]

How to pick an Attorney

Police sirens atop a vihicle

There are a lot of attorneys out there, so how do you pick the best attorney for your needs? Here are some key points to keep in mind and some important questions you should be asking. First, does the attorney have sufficient experience to handle the issue that you are dealing with? Once an attorney […]

Juvenile Registration Law in California

A man sits at his computer with his phone in his hand

Generally, a minor who has been adjudicated or admitted a sex offense does not have to register as a sex offender. There are two exceptions. The first is if the minor was transferred to adult court and convicted of a qualifying offense as an adult. The second is if the minor is adjudicated a ward […]

Diversion for Prostitution Charges

Handcuffs around a mans arms

We’ve seen evidence of prostitution in some of the world’s oldest cultures. Prostitution has been described as one of the world’s oldest jobs. In some countries, prostitution remains a legal profession. In others, like the United States, prostitution is criminalized. Not everyone supports the criminalization of prostitution. To some, if not many, prostitution is a […]

Restore Gun Rights in California

Handcuffs around a mans arms

In California, a felony conviction and certain misdemeanor convictions1 will result in a ban on your ability to have a firearm. A felony conviction will result in a lifetime ban, and a qualifying misdemeanor conviction will result in a 10-year ban. Examples of misdemeanor convictions that will result in a 10-year ban are: assault, battery, threatening […]