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Can Someone Be Charged with Additional Crimes After the Victim Remembers More?

In California, it is possible for someone to be charged with additional contemporaneous crimes if a victim remembers more conduct at a later date, provided that the statute of limitations has not expired for those specific offenses.   The key factors to consider in this scenario include the statute of limitations, the nature of the additional […]

Understanding Child Molestation Charges

The crime “child molestation” is often thought of as the worst crime a person can commit. Many people who commit crimes like DUI, burglary, and even murder are viewed as redeemable by society – that grace is not often extended to people accused of child molestation.   “Child molestation” is actually not a crime itself – […]

Sexual battery-PC 243.4

Image showing arrest and penalties for committing a lewd or lascivious act under Penal Code Section 288

California Penal Code section 243.4 describes “sexual battery” as touching the intimate parts of another person, against the person’s will, for the purposes of sexual gratification, sexual arousal, or sexual abuse. Sexual battery may be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor, and, importantly, may subject you to significant sex offender registration requirements. As a […]

How to defend against a false sex crime accusation

A man sits at his computer with his phone in his hand

As we’ve seen in recent times, a sex crime accusation can ruin a person’s entire life. Accusations, with little evidence, have caused people to lose their jobs, families and reputations. If sex crime charges are filed, the situation becomes even more serious. A sex crime conviction can mean that you never work in your chosen […]

How to Survive a Sex Crime Allegation

A man sits at his computer with his phone in his hand

What You NEED to Know if You’ve Been Charge With a Sex Crime Sex offenses are different than any other type of crime. These kinds of charges are extremely serious and difficult to defend against. One could honestly say that once an allegation has been made – especially involving a child, the deck is stacked […]

Sex Offender registration – Light at the end of the Tunnel?

Police sirens atop a vihicle

California is only one of 4 states that have lifetime sex offender registration for any offense in which you are required to register. While there are a few very limited offenses for which it is possible to be relieved of the duty to register, the vast majority of sex offenses are specifically excluded from any […]